September courses are now open to book and we are offering a 15% discount to students who book in August!
You can simply enter SEPT15 as your promo code when you book any of the courses below and save €72!
September Full Time Courses!

Speak English with Confidence!
Full Time - 15 Hours per Week
Start Date: Mon, 2nd Sept 2024
Days/Times: Mon to Fri, 9am to 12:30pm
Venue: Scoil Eoin Baiste (A91 XN28)
Length: 4 Weeks
Fee: €480
Levels: A2 - B2

Not sure of your current English level?
Take our free English language quiz to find out your score.
September Beginners Course!

Beginners Lessons Every Day!
Lessons Run Every Weekday
Days: Mondays to Fridays
Times: 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Venue: Scoil Eoin Baiste (A91 XN28)
Length: 1 Hour per Day
Fee: €25 per Day